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Fort Revere - Real Hull Haunted Place

  • 60 Farina Road
  • Hull, MA
  • (781) 925-1777
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  (6 reviews)
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Fort Revere used to be known as Fort Independence but was renamed to honor patriot Paul Revere. It has been used from the American Revolution through World War II and had stopped being used in 1947. There have been a number of strange occurrences here, including whispers, unexplained sounds and shadowy figures that rush by or hangout in the doorways.
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  • My meditation place was haunted!

    I've been going to Fort Revere for 18 years to meditate. I'd been going for years to find a quiet space to watch the ocean without busy beach walkers. One day I'm sitting there alone looking out on the ocean view from the hood of my car when I was startled to hear the large heavy metal rings that sit inside cement indents in the wall bang hard. That happens when there are people playing around with them but I was alone. I was on top of the hill for a while and could see all the rings from where I was sitting. Not a soul was around. I went down ans played around with them but they aren't easy to move and I don't believe the wind could have done that. I've been hundreds of times since, all times of the year, all weather, all times of the day, and have never experienced that again. I often hear voices when I assume I'm alone but I often question that as paranoia.

    Posted 9/12/19

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  • Fort Revere MA

    I've been there multiple times and while I do feel like something, or someone is watching me, over never experienced anything truly paranormal. It is a creepy place at night, though.

    Posted 5/6/19

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  • The most paranormal experience of my life

    This morning I stumbled upon Fort Revere. I had no previous experience at this place and no prior knowledge until I looked up the history. I parked my car and was at first curious about the fenced in monument. I approached it and noticed that the fence was largely in disrepair. In fact I was able to step right over it and approach the padlocked door to the monument. At first there was silence and then I put my ear up to the door and heard a sort of steady moaning. At first I thought it could have been some sort of animal trapped inside the monument. I have no idea how it would’ve gotten inside however. This continued for at least 60 seconds when I decided to knock on the door. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps rush down what I assume is a metal staircase inside. Then it stopped suddenly. I was so freaked out that I ran back towards the parking lot. I have no explanation for what happened to me.

    Posted 8/23/18

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  • Love It

    I’ve visited the fort a couple of times, and I have to say, I personally believe that there is some sort of paranormal presence at the fort. I received multiple unexplained EMF (electromagnetic field) spikes in the fort. Because there is no electricity in the fort, there is no reason for EMF spikes. Along with the creepy feelings of someone who isn’t there watching you, I saw the silhouette of a person looking around a corner in a doorway.

    Posted 5/13/18

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  • Fort Revere

    Honestly been there many times no haunts there's no activity there.

    Posted 4/21/18

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  • Fort revere

    There is no hauntings here!!! Please believe me i have lived in hull for fifty years and i'm a huge hauntings buff. Not one death ever happened there,no ghost sighting,strange noises,nothing!its a complete waste of time.some local knuckleheads wanted to get more tourist into hull so they started false haunting rumors on alot of these sites.the only thing you will find is a parking ticket ans a couple of bored cops that will hassle you.

    Posted 10/1/17

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Last edit to this listing: 3/7/2016 (3309 days ago)

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