• Massachusetts Edition •



Tewksbury Cemetery - Tewksbury MA Haunted Place

  • East St.
  • Tewksbury, MA
  • (978) 851-4165
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is rumored to be haunted by a ghostly white lady who wanders around. A dark, leather-skinned creature as also been seen here, following guests through the graveyard.
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  • Leathery Creature

    I have to finally post this here because I think about it every once in a while and it still spooks me. I grew up in Tewksbury and used to walk the cemeteries all the time. Only one time have I ever had an experience, and it was seeing the dark leathery skinned creature. It was like 10-15 years ago, walking through the East Street Cemetery during the day, and I saw it. Picture a dog, but with dark, wrinkly, leathery skin, and no ears or facial figures. The legs were wrong. I saw it standing with its head low to the ground and I got so spooked I booked it to the town center before stopping. After catching my breath and the adrenaline wore off I figured it was a trick of the eye and never told anyone. Years later I recalled the story to some friends and they told me that they'd heard that other people had seen some leathery creature in that cemetery, and I was freaked out. I never went back to the cemetery since then, and I live elsewhere now, but sometimes I think about going back to investigate. I'm still spooked just thinking about it but I'm also curious and want to figure out what the hell that was.

    Posted 2/19/19

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Contact Phone #: (978) 851-4165

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Visitors to this page: 3,207
Last edit to this listing: 2/3/2016 (3320 days ago)

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